Court Poetry in Late Medieval England and Scotland

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Todorov,“Language and Literature,”The Languages of Criticism and the
Sciences of Man: The Structuralist Controversy, ed. Richard Macksey and
Eugenio Donato (Baltimore, 1970 ), 125 – 33 ( 132 ).
34 .“The Gast of Gy,”Three Purgatory Poems, ed. Edward E. Foster (Kalamazoo,
2004 ); see lines 335 – 38 , 353 – 56.
35. Roland Barthes, “Textual Analysis of Poe’s ‘Valdemar,’” trans. Geoff
Bennington,Untying the Text: A Post-Structuralist Reader, ed. Robert Young
(London, 1981 ), 133 – 61 ( 153 ).
36. Lacan,Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho-Analysis, 88.
37. Kay,Place of Thought, 47.
38. A. S. G. Edwards,Stephen Hawes(Boston, 1985 ), 28.
39. See Kipling,Triumph of Honour, 22 – 23.
40. Olivier de la Marche,Le Chevalier délibéré (The Resolute Knight), ed. and trans.
Carleton W. Carroll and Lois Hawley Wilson (Tempe, 1999 ), 5. 5. All refer-
ences are to this edition and translation, and are by stanza and line number.
41. See Samuel C. Chew,The Pilgrimage of Life( 1962 ; rpt. Port Washington, 1973 ),
140 – 43.
42. Susie Speakman Sutch and Anne Lake Prescott,“Translation as Transformation:
Olivier de la Marche’sLe Chevalier délibéréand its Hapsburg and Elizabethan
Permutations,”Comparative Literature Studies 25 ( 1988 ), 281 – 317 ( 284 ).
43. A possibility reinforced by other evidence: another route by which Hawes
might have come to knowLe Chevalier délibéréleads via Wynkyn de Worde to
the printers of Gouda and Schiedam, where an edition of de la Marche’s poem,
splendidly illustrated with woodcuts, was produced in 1498. The use of wood-
cuts to articulate Hawes’s narrative which Edwards discerns inThe Pastime of
PleasureandThe Example of Virtuemight therefore have been suggested by de
Worde himself. InThe Woodcutters of the Netherlands in the Fifteenth Century
(Cambridge, 1884 ), W. M. Conway notes de Worde’s use, in an edition of the
Expositio hymnorumprinted at Westminster in 1499 , of a woodcut originally
made for anOpusculum grammaticaleprinted by Gotfridus de Os in 1486 ( 141 –
42 ); de Worde also obtained other material from Gouda, as is demonstrated in
Lotte and Wytze Hellinga,The Fifteenth-Century Printing Types of the Low
Countries(London, 1966 ), 82 , plate 182. Lotte Hellinga points out that“In the
context of inferred relations between printers (inferred on the basis of their
typographic material) it is quite likely that Wynkyn could be aware of books
produced in Gouda, or particular such spectacular books [as
Le Chevalier]. Hawes’sPastimewould be an extremely interesting example to
demonstrate the point”(personal communication, 7 June 1990 ).
44. Jonathan Goldberg, Voice Terminal Echo: Postmodernism and English
Renaissance Texts(London, 1986 ), 31.
45 .InThe Example of Virtue, Hawes offers a more sociohistorical signature in a
similar style. Dame Sapience appoints him as groom to her chamber, while
telling him that if he observes her precepts,“A moche better rome ye do
deserve”:Minor Poems, 16 , line 406. The courtier’s ambition is asserted in the
very gesture by which it is transcended.

208 Notes to Pages 120 – 24

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