Court Poetry in Late Medieval England and Scotland

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primary sources

L’Abuzé en court. Ed. Roger Dubuis. Paris: Droz, 1973.
Aeneas Silvius. Aeneae Silvii de Curialium Miseriis Epistola. Ed. Wilfred
P. Mustard. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1928.
Alan of Lille.“Summa de arte praedicatoria.”PL 210 : 110 – 98.
Alberic of Monte Cassino. Alberici Casinensis Flores Rhetorici. Miscellanea
Cassinese 14. Ed. D. Mauro Inguanez and H. M. Willard. Monte Cassino:
s.n., 1938.
André, Bernard.“De vita atque gestis Henrici Septimi...historia.”Memorials of
King Henry the Seventh. Ed. James Gairdner. Rerum Britannicarum Medii
Aevi Scriptores (Rolls Series) 10. London: Longman, 1858. 1 – 75
[Archpoet.] Die Gedichte des Archipoeta. Ed. Heinrich Watenphul and
Heinrich Krefeld. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Verlag, 1958.
Ashby, George.Works. Ed. Mary Bateson. EETS ES 76. London: Kegan Paul,
Trench, Trübner, 1899.
Augustine.Confessions, Introduction and Text. Vol.iof 3. Ed. James J. O’Donnell.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.
De doctrina christiana. Ed. I. Martin. CCSLxxxii. Turnhout: Brepols, 1962.
1 – 167.
De ordine. Ed. W. M. Green. CCSLxxix. Turnhout: Brepols, 1970. 87 – 137.
Bacon, Francis.History of the Reign of Henry VII. Ed. J. R. Lumby. Cambridge
University Press, 1902.
Bale, John.Scriptorum illustrium maioris Bryttania...catalogus. Basle, 1557 – 59.
Farnborough, Hants.: Gregg International, 1971.
Barclay, Alexander.“A Critical Edition of Alexander Barclay’sShip of Fools( 1509 ).”
Ed. David Rollin Anderson. PhD dissertation, Case Western Reserve
University, 1974.
The Eclogues of Alexander Barclay. Ed. Beatrice White. EETS OS 175. Oxford
University Press, 1928 , 1960.
Here begynneth the famous cronycle of the warre / which the romayns had against
Iugurth. STC 21627. London: R. Pynson, n.d. [ 1520 ].
The Life of St. George. Ed. William Nelson, EETS OS 230. Oxford University
Press, 1955 [for 1948 ].

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