Court Poetry in Late Medieval England and Scotland

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cambridge studies in medieval literature

1 Robin KirkpatrickDante’s Inferno: Difficulty and Dead Poetry
2 Jeremy TamblingDante and Difference: Writing in the“Commedia”
3 Simon GauntTroubadours and Irony
4 Wendy Scase“Piers Plowman”and the New Anticlericalism
5 Joseph DugganThe“Cantar De Mio Cid”: Poetic Creation in its Economic and
Social Contexts
6 Roderick BeatonThe Medieval Greek Romance
7 Kathryn Kerby-FultonReformist Apocalypticism and“Piers Plowman”
8 Alison MorganDante and the Medieval Other World
9 Eckehard Simon (ed.)The Theatre of Medieval Europe: New Research
in Early Drama

10 Mary CarruthersThe Book of Memory: A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture

11 Rita CopelandRhetoric, Hermeneutics and Translation in the Middle Ages:
Academic Traditions and Vernacular Texts

12 Donald MaddoxThe Arthurian Romances of Chrétien de Troyes: Once and
Future Fictions

13 Nicholas WatsonRichard Rolle and the Invention of Authority

14 Steven F. KrugerDreaming in the Middle Ages

15 Barbara NolanChaucer and the Tradition of the“Roman Antique”

16 Sylvia HuotThe“Romance of the Rose”and its Medieval Readers: Interpretations,
Reception, Manuscript Transmission

17 Carol M. Meale (ed.)Women and Literature in Britain, 1150 – 1500

18 Henry Ansgar KellyIdeas and Forms of Tragedy from Aristotle to the Middle Ages

19 Martin IrvineThe Making of Textual Culture: Grammatical and Literary
Theory, 350 – 1100

20 Larry ScanlonNarrative, Authority and Power: The Medieval Exemplum and
the Chaucerian Tradition

21 Erik KooperMedieval Dutch Literature in its European Context

22 Steven BotterillDante and the Mystical Tradition: Bernard of Clairvaux
in the“Commedia”

23 Peter Biller and Anne Hudson (eds.)Heresy and Literacy, 1000 – 1530

24 Christopher BaswellVirgil in Medieval England: Figuring the“Aeneid”from the
Twelfth Century to Chaucer

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