The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Gender-Role Attitudes 75

benefits of patriarchy, the positive attributes
of men, and women’s fulfillment through
connections with men.
The Ambivalence Toward Men Inven-
tory was examined in a study of 16 nations
(Glick et al., 2004). Like the sexism toward
women scales, the benevolent and hostile
scales are positively correlated. In addition,
hostile and benevolent sexism toward men
were higher among nations with less gender
equality, as assessed by women’s education
and the representation of women in govern-
ment and high-status occupations. In 15 of
the 16 nations, women scored higher than
sex difference was larger in nations where
men endorsed more hostile sexism toward
women. Thus it appears that women are
more hostile toward men in situations where
men are hostile toward women.

sexism? I came across the following cartoon
in theNew Yorker(June 5, 2000; see Fig-
ure 3.3). Now, imagine that the sex of the
characters was reversed: The joke wouldn’t
be funny, and the cartoon wouldn’t be
Feelings toward the male sex have been
explored in the Ambivalence Toward Men
Inventory, which was developed to distin-
guish feelings of hostility and benevolence
toward men (Glick & Fiske, 1999a). This
ambivalence also is rooted in patriarchy,
gender differentiation, and sexual reproduc-
tion. Sample items are shown in Table 3.2.
The hostility toward men scale consists of
negative attitudes surrounding the resent-
ment of patriarchy, a perception of negative
attributes in men, and beliefs that men are
sexually aggressive. The benevolence scale
reflects positive views of men, including the

“There’s an article in here that explains why you’re
such an idiot.”
FIGURE 3.3 People do not always recognize
this kind of cartoon as sexism, but if the sexes
were reversed, it would easily be labeled as sex-
ism. All rights reserved.
Source: © The New Yorker collection, 2000,
William Haefeli from



Hostile Sexism
Men will always fight for greater control
in society.
Gender Differentiation
Most men are really like children.
Sexual Reproduction
Men have no morals in what they will
do to get sex.
Benevolent Sexism
Even if both work, the woman should
take care of the man at home.
Gender Differentiation
Men are less likely to fall apart in
Sexual Reproduction
Every woman ought to have a man
she adores.
Source: Glick and Fiske (1999a).

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