The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Sex-Related Comparisons: Observations 113

Logan Boulevard

Carnegie Avenue

Porter Road

Emily Ave

Kittanning Avenue

Seventh Street

Eighth St Sixth St

Pamela St

Meredith Way
Jamie Street

Katja Way

Dianne Ave Sydney Lane

Vicki Way

Town Hall


Jeffrey Elementary



Sex Comparisons in Directions

Choose one location that is across the town
or city where you live and one location that
is not very far away. Ask 10 women and 10
men to give you directions to each of these
locations. Then have them write out the
directions. Record use of landmarks, esti-
mates of distance, use of street names, and
north/south/east/west terminology to see if
there are sex differences.

FIGURE 4.7 Research has suggested that men and women give directions
differently: Men use north/south/east/west terminology and women use land-
marks. How would you get from the Town Hall to Katja Park?

Despite the importance of spatial skills,
the educational system and educational test-
ing in the United States is oriented toward
math and verbal skills. Spatial skills predict

the completion of advanced degrees and the
entering of Science/Technology/Engineering/
Math (STEM) careers (Wai, Lubinski, &
Benbow, 2009). Yet, there is virtually no
emphasis on spatial skill development in the
U.S. education system. Perhaps because men
and women are socialized to pursue different
fields, spatial skills end up being related to
artistic pursuits in women and engineering
careers in men.


■ The direction and magnitude of sex differences in
spatial abilities depend on the specific task.
■ Of all the spatial abilities, the sex difference in mental
rotation is the largest, in favor of men.

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