The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
280 Chapter 8

back to friendship. In other cases, a sexual re-
lationship coexists with a friendship. In a sur-
vey of adults who disclosed sexual attraction to
their partner in a cross-sex friendship, nearly a
quarter (22%) evolved into romantic relation-
ships and the friendship ended in 16% of the
cases (Halatsis & Christakis, 2009). However,
the future course of the relationship also de-
pended on the sex of the discloser. As shown
in Figure 8.8, when males disclosed sexual at-
traction, the most likely outcomes were the
coexistence of friendship and sex or friendship
without reciprocal attraction. When females
disclosed sexual attraction, the most likely
outcomes were evolution into a romantic re-
lationship or acting on sexual attraction with a
return to friendship. According to Baumgarter
(2002), we lack a cultural script for cross-sex
friendship. We shouldn’t assume sex is bad for

One might ask, “What keeps cross-sex
friendships from developing into romantic
relationships?” The number one reason for
keeping a cross-sex friendship platonic seems
to be the desire to preserve the relationship
and avoid any kind of breakup (Messman,
Canary, & Hause, 2000). People perceive that
romantic relationships have the potential to
end. By keeping a relationship as a friend-
ship, we can feel more secure in maintaining
that relationship.
How does one manage sexual attrac-
tion in a cross-sex friendship? Oftentimes, one
tries to keep the attraction under control by
avoiding discussions of the relationship and
by discussing other romantic relationships
(Guerrero & Chavez, 2005). At other times, the
sexual attraction is acted upon. In some cases,
the couple has sex and the relationship reverts

FIGURE 8.8 Future Course of Cross-Sex Friendship After Male or Female
Discloses Sexual Attraction.
Source: Adapted from Halatsis & Christakis (2009).

Has Sex; Returns to Friendship
Without Sex

Friendship Remains, No Reciprocity
of Sexual Attraction

Evolution Into Romantic Relationship

Friendship Ends

Integrate Sex Into Friendship

0% 10% 20% 30%


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