The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
294 Chapter 8

conflicts with the requirement that one
friend critically evaluate the other.
Openness versus closedness—Situation
encountered by friends at work when
the expectation of the honest
communication central to friendship
conflicts with the necessity to keep
professional confidences.
Opportunity challenge—Difficulty
experienced when attempting to establish
a cross-sex friendship that results from
the fact that members of the same sex are
generally more accessible.
Outgroup homogeneity effect—The
tendency to see members of the outgroup
as all alike, more similar than different,
as compared to the ingroup to which one
attributes greater diversity.
Role conflict—Situation that occurs when
the demands of one role are inconsistent
with the demands of another role.
Sexual challenge—Challenge faced by cross-
sex friendship whereby the friends must
ask themselves if there is a sexual attraction
between them that could lead to a romantic
Structural level of analysis—Emphasizes
the different positions or roles men and
women hold in society as a determinant of

by the work relationship begins to interfere
with individual feelings of autonomy.
Co-rumination—Discussing problems
repeatedly in the context of a relationship.
Dispositional level of analysis—Emphasizes
the characteristics of the person as a
determinant of friendship.
Emotional bond challenge—Challenge
faced by cross-sex friendship whereby the
friends must decide if the closeness they
feel toward one another is friendship or
romantic love.
Equality challenge—Challenge faced by
cross-sex friendships because the equality
central to friendship conflicts with the status
hierarchy typically associated with male/
female relationships.
Homophily—The tendency to form
friendships with persons of the same race or
Homophobia—Fear of homosexuality or
fear of appearing homosexual.
Impartiality versus favoritism—Situation
encountered by friends at work when the
desire to give a friend special treatment
conflicts with the necessity to treat all
workers the same.
Judgment versus acceptance—Difficulty
experienced by friends at work when the
mutual acceptance expected of friendship

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