The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Romantic Relationships 311

Specifically, it reflects one’s self-perception of
being loving, lovable, romantic, affectionate,
cuddlesome, compassionate, and passionate.
A study of 48 nations showed that women
scored higher than men on emotional invest-
ment in all but three nations—with the differ-
ence being significant in 34 nations (Schmitt
et al., 2009). Unexpectedly, the gender-equality
of the nation was associated withlargersex
differences. For example, the largest sex dif-
ferences in emotional investment were found
in Switzerland, Australia, and Germany and
smaller sex differences were found in Turkey,
South Korea, and Bolivia. The authors sug-
gested that women and men are more likely
to make within-sex comparisons in nations
where female and male roles are more distinct,
making it appear that women and men are
similar to one another. By contrast women and
men may be more likely to make between-sex
comparisons in nations where there is greater

My lover and I have the right physical “chemistry” between us.
I feel that my lover and I were meant for each other.
I try to keep my lover a little uncertain about my commitment to him or her.
I enjoy playing the “game of love” with a number of different partners.
It is hard to say exactly where friendship ends and love begins.
The best kind of love grows out of a long friendship.
I consider what a person is going to become in life before I commit myself to him or her.
An important factor in choosing a partner is whether or not he or she will be a good parent.
When my lover doesn’t pay attention to me, I feel sick all over.
When I am in love, I have trouble concentrating on anything else.
I would endure all things for the sake of my lover.
I cannot be happy unless I place my lover’s happiness before my own.
Source: Hendrick and Hendrick (1986).


Storge Pragma Ludus

Agape Mania

FIGURE 9.3 Love styles.
Source: J. A. Lee (1973).

on eros, which is associated with higher re-
lationship satisfaction. One limitation of this
research is that most of it has been conducted
with college students. It would be interesting to
see how people’s love styles change with age.
Emotional investmentis a concept that
includes some of these notions about love.

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