The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
36 Chapter 2

in a more nurturant way toward their chil-
dren than fathers, I do not know if parent sex
caused the difference in behavior or if some-
thing else associated with being a mother or
a father is responsible for the difference—
such as the way children themselves respond
to mothers and fathers. The correlational
method lacks internal validity.

Field Experiment

On rare occasions, the experimental method
is taken into the real world, or thefieldwhere
the behavior under investigation naturally
occurs. These arefield experiments, which
attempt to maximize both internal and ex-
ternal validity. An example of a field experi-
ment on gender and nurturance is randomly
assigning men and women managers in a
business organization to interact with their
employees in one of two ways: either to
teach them new information and technol-
ogy (noncaretaker condition), or to make
sure they all get along with one another and
are happy (caretaker condition). The experi-
ment has internal validity because people
are randomly assigned to condition. On av-
erage, the only difference between the two
groups of managers is the instructions they
received. The experiment has external valid-
ity because we are observing actual nurturant
behavior in a real-world setting: the organi-
zation. We could measure nurturant behav-
ior in terms of offers to help the employee
or time spent with the employee talking
about likes and dislikes about the job. Now,
imagine how likely an organization would
be to let you randomly assign its managers
to have different kinds of interactions with
their employees. In addition, imagine how
difficult it would be to ensure that only the
independent variable differs between the two
groups. Many other variables could influence

variable. One point on which philosophers of
science agree about causality is that the cause
must precede the effect. In an experiment, the
cause, by definition, precedes the effect. The
cause cannot always be determined in a cor-
relational study. Thus, the strength of the ex-
perimental method isinternal validity,that
is, being confident you are measuring the true
cause of the effect.
The disadvantage of the experimen-
tal method is that experiments are usually
conducted in an artificial setting, such as a
laboratory, so the experimenter can have
control over the environment. Recall the ex-
periment in which people were interacting
with a puppy. The experiment was set up to
observe nurturant behavior. Do interactions
with a puppy in a laboratory where people are
told how to behave generalize to how adults
interact with their own pets? Or to how they
interact with their children? Results from ex-
periments conducted in the laboratory may be
less likely to generalize to the real world; that
is, they are low inexternal validity. In the real
world, men and women may be given very
different messages about how to interact with
puppies, babies, and adults. In addition, in the
real world, people do not think their behavior
is being observed by an experimenter.
By contrast, external validity is a
strength of the correlational method, and in-
ternal validity is the major weakness. With
correlational research, you are often observ-
ing behavior in a real-world setting. You
could unobtrusively observe nurturant be-
havior by studying mothers and fathers with
their children at school or during a doctor’s
visit, or you could administer a survey in
which people report their nurturant behavior.
The major disadvantage of the correlational
method is that one cannot determine cause
and effect because the variables are measured
simultaneously. If I find that mothers behave

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