Advanced Automotive Technology: Visions of a Super-Efficient Family Car

(avery) #1
TABLE 3-5:
Summary of Long-Term Fuel
Efficiency Benefits from Advanced Technology

Fuel consumption impact (%)
Manufacturers mean Optimistic
4-valve engine with simple variable
resonance intake Base Base
2-valve engine +4 +5
4V with camphasing
+VRI -2 -3
4V with 2-position VVLT
+VRI -6 -9
4V with full VVLT
+ VRI -8 -11
4V with full VVLT + cyl. shutoff
+ VRI -lo -13
4V + VVLT + lean bum
+ VRI -12 -15
DISC (+ VVLT ?) -15 -19
Friction: roller cams -1 -2
Piston/rings/crankshaft -1.5 -4

KEY: VRI = variable resonance intake manifold; VVLT = variable valve lift and
timing; DISC =direct injection stratified charge; + indicates increased fuel consumption,

  • a decrease.

SOURCE: Energy and Environmental Analysis, Inc., “Automotive Technologies To
Improve Fuel Economy to 2015,” prepared for the Office of Technology Assessment,
June 1995.

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