(Ben Green) #1
7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 7

harpsichordists and pianists. Young Mozart performed
as a violinist and organist and received numerous com-
missions. In Paris they met several German composers,
and Mozart’s first music was published (sonatas for key-
board and violin); in London they met, among others,
Johann Christian Bach, and under his influence Mozart
composed his first symphonies—three survive (K 16, K 19,
and K 19a [K signifying the work’s place in the catalog of
Ludwig von Köchel]). Two more followed during a stay in
The Hague on the return journey (K 22 and K 45a).
While the Mozarts were in Vienna in 1767– 69 Mozart
wrote a one-act German singspiel, Bastien und Bastienne,
which was given privately. In 1769 his comic opera La finta
semplice was performed in the archbishop’s palace in
Salzburg. Just a few months later, Mozart was appointed
an honorary Konzertmeister at the Salzburg court.

The Italian Tours

Mastery of the Italian operatic style was a prerequisite for
a successful international composing career, and Mozart
accordingly visited Italy with his father. Their first tour,
begun on Dec. 13, 1769, took them to all the main musical
centres. In mid-October 1770 he reached Milan and began
work on the new opera, Mitridate, rè di Ponto (“Mithradates,
King of Pontus”), the premiere of which, on December 26,
was a notable success.
The second Italian visit, between August and December
1771, saw the successful premiere of Mozart’s opera Ascanio
in Alba. Back in Salzburg in 1772, Mozart wrote eight sym-
phonies, four divertimentos, several substantial sacred
works, and an allegorical serenata, Il sogno di Scipione. The
third and final Italian journey lasted from October 1772
until March 1773. The new opera Lucio Silla (“Lucius Sulla”)

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