Analysis of Algorithms : An Active Learning Approach

(Ron) #1


Splitting the List

There are at least two versions of the PivotList function. The first is easy to
program and understand and is presented in this section. The other is more
complicated to write but is faster than this version. The second version will be
considered in the exercises.
The function PivotList will pick the first element of the list as its pivot
element and will set the pivot point as the first location of the list. It then
moves through the list comparing this pivot element to the rest of the ele-
ments. Whenever it finds an element that is smaller than the pivot element, it
will increment the pivot point and then swap this element into the new pivot
point location. After some of the elements are compared to the pivot inside the
loop, we will have four parts to the list. The first part is the pivot element in
the first location. The second part is from location first + 1 through the pivot
point and will be all of the elements we have looked at that are smaller than the
pivot element. The third part is from the location after the pivot point through
the loop index and will be all of the elements we have looked at that are larger
than the pivot element. The rest of the list will be values we have not yet
examined. This is shown in Fig. 3.4.
The algorithm for PivotList is as follows:
PivotList( list, first, last )
list the elements to work with
first the index of the first element
last the index of the last element

PivotValue = list[ first ]
PivotPoint = first
for index = first + 1 to last do
if list[ index ] < PivotValue then

pivot < pivot ≥ pivot unknown


First Index Last

between the
indices and
element values in
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