Analysis of Algorithms : An Active Learning Approach

(Ron) #1


method and calculate the preprocessed coefficients for the polynomials x^3 +
4 x^2  3 x + 2 and x^7  8 x^6 + 3x^5 + 2x^4  4 x^3 + 5x 7. You should trace the
standard matrix multiplication algorithm, Winograd's matrix multiplication
algorithm, and Strassen's matrix multiplication with

You should trace the Gauss-Jordan method with the equations 3x 1 + 9x 2 + 6x 3 =
21, 5x 1 + 3x 2 + 22x 3 = 23, and 2x 1 + 8x 2 + 7x 3 = 26. You should also try to
answer any questions before reading on. A hint or the answer is in the sen-
tences following the question.

athematical calculation forms the basis for a wide range of pro-
grams. Computer graphics and vision both require a large number
of calculations involving polynomials and matrices. Because these
are typically done for each location in an image, small improvements can have
a great impact. A typical image can be created with 1024 pixels per row and
1024 pixels per column. Improving the calculation for each of these locations
by even one multiplication would reduce the creation of this image by
1,048,576 multiplications overall. So, even though the techniques in this chap-
ter don't seem to show a dramatic improvement, the real savings come from
the number of times that these are used.
Some software will repeatedly evaluate complex polynomial equations. This
can be part of a monitoring task where input from an external device is the
value “plugged into” the equation, and the result tells if there is some condi-
tion that needs attention. Another application is trigonometric functions. What
most programmers do not realize is that standard trigonometric functions like
sine and cosine have power series expansions that take the form of polynomial
equations, and it is these equations that a computer will use when calculating
trigonometric function results. These calculations need to be fast, and so, we
begin by looking at methods for more rapidly calculating polynomials.
Matrix multiplication plays a role in a number of applications. Models of
physical objects for computer graphics and computer-aided design and manu-




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