Analysis of Algorithms : An Active Learning Approach

(Ron) #1


6.7 Partitioning Sets

A number of algorithms need to maintain a set of values as a collection of dis-
joint sets, with the ability to combine them. The inherent set capability of
modern programming languages could be used, but there is nothing in their
implementation that guarantees that disjoint sets will occur. Additionally, not
all programming languages have set capabilities. This section will look at a
method for implementing this set partitioning using arrays. We have seen a use
for this capability in our algorithm for Kruskal’s minimum spanning tree algo-
We begin with an array called Parent, which has one location for each
element of the set we are working with. We initialize all of the elements to 1,
which represents that each is the root of a partition (the negative) and that the
partition has one element in it (the 1). As things progress, if some element is
the root of a partition with seven elements, its value in the array Parent will
be7. As elements are added to a partition, their value in the array Parent
will be set to the root of the partition they are added to. For example, if ele-
ment 5 is added to the partition rooted by element 8, the fifth location of
Parent will have 8 stored in it, and the eight location will have its negative
value “increased” to indicate that there is one more value in the partition. The
elements of the Parent array will only have their immediate parent in the
partition as their value, because when two partitions are combined, only the
root entries of the array will be changed.
Consider the partitioning in Fig. 6.11. We see that there are three partitions
with roots of 5, 6, and 11. These array locations have negative values indicating
the number of elements in those partitions. Each of the other locations has the
value of the immediate parent. If we now joined together the partitions rooted
at 6 and 11, we would change Parent[11] to have the value 6, its new root,
and we would change Parent[6] to be 5, representing the fact that this
partition has five elements.
The algorithms to accomplish this partition structure follow.
InitializePartition( N )
N the number of elements in the set

For i = 1 to N do
Parent[i] = -1
end do
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