Analysis of Algorithms : An Active Learning Approach

(Ron) #1


the leaves. At each level, two elements are paired and the larger of the two gets
copied into the parent node. This process continues until the root node is
reached. Figure 1.3 shows a complete tournament tree for a given set of data.
In Exercise 5 of Section 1.1.3, it was mentioned that we would develop an
algorithm to find the second largest element in a list using about N compari-
sons. The tournament method helps us do this. Every comparison produces
one “winner” and one “loser.” The losers are eliminated and only the winners
move up in the tree. Each element, except for the largest, must “lose” one
comparison. Therefore, building the tournament tree will take N 1 com-
The second largest element could only have lost to the largest element. We
go down the tree and get the set of elements that lost to the largest one. We
know that there can be at most lgN of these elements because of our tree
formulas in Section 1.3.2. There will be lgN comparisons to find these ele-
ments in the tree and lgN 1 comparisons to find the largest in this collec-
tion. The entire process takes N + 2 lgN 2 comparisons, which is O(N).
The tournament method could also be used to sort a list of values. In
Chapter 3, we will see a method called heapsort that is based on the tourna-
ment method.

■ 1.5.2 Lower Bounds
An algorithm is optimal when there is no algorithm that will work more
quickly. How do we know when have we found an algorithm that is optimal
or when is an algorithm not optimal, but good enough? To answer these ques-


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Tournament tree
for a set of eight
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