that they are different? One possibility would be to revamp the old model of a society
divided along denominational and ideological lines (the ‘‘pillars’’) for the common
purpose of developing a new model for Dutch citizenship.
- Or are we moving toward a model of society in which minorities falloutsidesociety
(whether or not they are confined to certain neighborhoods) and do not count in
society, with all the consequences that this entails? The aftermath of Hurricane Ka-
trina in New Orleans should serve as a warning to all of us in this respect.
My preference would be for an inclusive society, one in which minorities have equal
rights and duties and are treated with respect for their differences. Other options involve
a majority imposing its will on minorities. I need only remind you of Multatuli’s ‘‘Idea
Number 7’’ to predict that this could only lead to even greater entrenchment and polar-
ization and, in the long run, to even greater radicalization. And I am not talking just
about minorities. To combat fear, we need clarity and guarantees, clear rules that must
be enforced. This is understandable, but fear is also a bad counselor. Our behavior must
not lead to a situation in which we push a group toward the very place we do not wish
them to be. If people do not feel at home in the Netherlands, they will always feel that
their loyalties lie elsewhere. Integration, belonging, and taking part cost time, more time
than we usually therefore care to give. We will have to do everything possible to prevent
further polarization, while realizing that this takes time. To this end we will have to
mobilize many forces in society, both among the majority and among the minorities. It
would be better for us to start thinking in terms of ‘‘we’’ rather than making an unproduc-
tive distinction between ‘‘Dutch people’’ and ‘‘immigrants,’’ between ‘‘Dutch people’’ and
‘‘Muslims,’’ or between the ‘‘majority’’ and the ‘‘minority.’’
Preventing Polarization and Mobilizing Positive Forces—Ervin Staub
This is an approach that we have adopted in Amsterdam. Following the murder of Theo
van Gogh, the municipal executive drew up an action plan titled ‘‘We Amsterdamers.’’
The aim of the plan is to:
- Combat terrorism, as an addition to the activities of the police and judicial
authorities; - Combat radicalization;
- Prevent polarization and mobilize positive forces.
The plan thus combines a hard and a soft approach. It is intended to bring the
different groups in Amsterdam closer together and to increase society’s ability to avoid
polarization and escalation.
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