‘‘Surely freedom of expression is rather different from the right to hurt people right
to the quick?’’^20
- The fourth step is to learn about each other’s cultures, religions, norms, and values,
as well as about each other’s fears and pain. The media could—and in my view
should—play an important role in this. They could produce programs that enable
people to appreciate and identify with the dilemmas facing Dutch society at present,
programs that portray Muslims and unbelievers, indigenous Dutch people and immi-
grants as fellow Dutch citizens who have their own ordinary cares and problems. And
they certainly need not be intellectual programs. The Dutch seriesZeg eens Ain the
1980s was crucial to the acceptance of homosexuals (the series portrayed a lesbian
relationship) and of mixed couples (a white daughter with a black boyfriend). And
in the U.S.A., programs such asThe Cosby ShowandOprah Winfreyhave done more
for the rights of black Americans than any law. So why shouldn’t we do the same
here? Reality TV is ‘‘in,’’ and we like nothing better than a bit of voyeurism.
- The fifth step is to ensure that the basic criteria of the debate are clear to the parties
a. Requirements for integration? Yes, requirements can and should be made in rela-
tion to how large groups of newcomers are integrated.
b. Rules? Yes, without clear rules there can be no society. In addition, the rules need
to be soundly enforced.
c. Limitation of the fundamental rights of minorities? No. Fundamental rights apply
to everyone. This principle may not be compromised. It would be contrary to
everything that we hold dearest: constitutional democracy and rule of law.
d. A national immigration policy? Yes, this is necessary in order to ensure better
coordination of the efforts to integrate minorities. The aim should be to ensure
that it is clear both to the present population and to future immigrants why the
Netherlands needs immigrants both now and in the future, in the light of demo-
graphic trends such as aging, the falling birth rate, and the international orienta-
tion of our economy. We can then actually welcome the people whom we need
and who wish to be here with us.
e. Combating the radicalization of Muslim youth? Yes. In Amsterdam we are now
working on a model in which enforcement and prevention are mutually
- The sixth step is to make the switch in due course from dialogue to the ‘‘Netherlands
Joint Project’’—that is, the development of a shared and nonexclusive vision of soci-
ety and Dutch identity. This brings me to the concept of citizenship as a possibly
binding concept. On other occasions I have spoken of this and will now therefore
simply refer to what I have said before.^21
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