- See the judgment of the three-judge criminal chamber of The Hague Court of Appeal,
November 18, 2002. - Judgment in interim injunction proceedings of The Hague District Court, March 15, 2005.
- The Constitution provides the scope to deal adequately with social issues resulting in part
from the increasingly plural nature of society. This concerns issues such as discrimination, wearing
a headscarf and other items of clothing or jewelry that reflect religious views, honor killings, female
genital mutilation, and the creation of prayer areas in public buildings, such as schools. The Consti-
tution need not be amended for this purpose. This is the main conclusion to be drawn from the
policy document ‘‘Grondrechten in een pluriforme samenleving’’ (Fundamental rights in a plural
society), Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, May 18, 2004. - SeeDe sociale staat van Nederland 2005, Social and Cultural Planning Office (SCP), The
Hague, September 2005, chap. 2, ‘‘Demografie, vergrijzing, verdunning, verkleuring’’ (Demography,
aging, falling birth rate, and the changing racial mix), 17–46. - Me ́rove Gijsberts and Jaco Dagevos,Uit elkaars buurt: De invloed van etnische concentratie
op integratie en beeldvorming(Not in touch: the influence of ethnic concentration on integration
and perceptions), SCP publication 2005/13, Social and Cultural Planning Office, The Hague, June
- See Job Cohen, Abel Herzberg Lecture 2001, ‘‘Grenzen’’ (Boundaries), De Rode Hoed,
Amsterdam, 2001, in which I submit that ‘‘Abel Herzberg argued, however, throughout his life that
anti-Semitism was not a Jewish problem and that it is not therefore the attitude or behavior of the
Jews that determines how they will be treated by society. On the contrary, Herzberg stated (e.g., in
his essay ‘On the cause and intention of the persecution of the Jews in Germany,,’’ 1967) that ‘it is
a problem about which a minority never and nowhere decides, but is always decided by the major-
ity. If it is about the status of the minority itself, it depends entirely on the will of the majority
whether the minority has any say in the matter.’ ’’ - Remco Campert, inDe Volkskrantof November 3, 2004.
- See: ‘‘Staat maken op elkaar’’ (Counting on one another), WRR lecture by Job Cohen in
The Hague on November 27, 2003; ‘‘Scheiding van kerk en staat in de 21-ste eeuw’’ (Separation of
church and state in the twenty-first century), Willem van Oranjelezing 2004, lecture given by Job
Cohen in Delft on June 1, 2004; ‘‘De zoektocht naar sociale cohesie’’ (The search for social cohe-
sion), address by Job Cohen on the occasion of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the
establishment of the Dutch Society of Mayors in Alphen aan de Rijn on October 6, 2005.
Bettina Prato, Prophetic Justice in a Home Haunted by Strangers: Transgressive
Solidarity and Trauma in the Work of an Israeli Rabbis’ Group
- This essay is based on fieldwork conducted in Jerusalem in the fall of 2002 and spring of
- For their generosity, patience, and kindness, I thank everybody at RHR headquarters, particu-
larly Rabbi Michael Schwartz. Heartfelt gratitude also goes to the rabbis who took time to meet
with me and talk about their involvement in the group. Among them, I am especially indebted to
Rabbi Jeremy Milgrom, whose comments on my work have been challenging and precious. My
gratitude also goes to Wendy Brown and Mario Nordio, who have been attentive and encouraging
readers of the first draft of the paper, and to two anonymous reviewers and Helen Tartar for their
suggestions about how the paper could be improved. Of course, responsibility for the interpretation
of RHR’s work and of various texts discussed here is mine.
2.Al-Nakbahis the term commonly used in Arabic to refer to the creation of the state of
Israel in part of Mandate Palestine and the subsequent defeat of Arab forces in the 1948 Arab-Israeli
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