DECEMBER 2021 • 105
n any year December is going
to be an expensive month, but
I think 2021 is going to be even
tougher to afford thanks to
likely shortages and inflation
leading to higher prices. And
let’s not forget the huge energy price
hikes also squeezing budgets.
So what do you do if there’s less
money to spend and everything costs
more? Well, you know as well as I do
that you shouldn’t spend more than
you have. But it doesn’t have to mean
buying fewer presents or scaling back
the Christmas dinner (though that’s
not a bad idea if you always end up
with too much food and drink).
Instead, you could look to boost
your existing festive spending power.
All the suggestions below make the
most of your normal spending or
access potential funds you might
have neglected.
The extra money you can make
might not be enough to really splash
the cash, but it could help you make
up for those rising costs elsewhere.
As we’re already approaching
the big day you might not actually
receive the money from some of
them before you need to spend it,
but at least you’ll have an extra buffer
throughout 2022.