Readers Digest UK - December 2021

(Muthaara) #1

Could your home help

you achieve your goals in

the new year?

Reader’s Digest Equity Release is a trading style of Responsible Life Limited. Only if you choose to proceed and your case
completes will Responsible Life Limited charge an advice fee, currently not exceeding £1,490.
*Mortgage Strategy, ‘Equity release rates plummet 41% in fi ve years: Responsible Life’

FOR MORE INFORMATION Call 0800 029 1233

What could you do with your released

With a new year just around the corner, you
are likely working out where your future

goals or plans fi t into your existing budgets.
The tax-free cash that you release from
your home can be used in many ways, but

if you needed a little inspiration, here are
some of the most popular reasons why our

customers released equity this year.

  • Making home improvements

  • Helping loved ones

  • Clearing an existing mortgage

If you wanted to fi nd out more about
using equity release to achieve your goals,

you can call the Information Team today
on 0800 029 1233. They can answer any
questions that you might have.

Your equity release journey
Reader’s Digest Equity Release can off er
you a free, no-obligation appointment
with a fully qualifi ed adviser. Releasing
equity will reduce the value of your
estate and may aff ect your entitlement to
means-tested benefi ts, so seeking advice
is the best way to fully understand the
implications of these risks.

Whether you want to speak to your adviser
over the phone, by video call, or face-to-
face, we can accommodate you.

There has never been a better time for you to consider releasing
equity from your home. The most popular equity release product,
a Lifetime Mortgage, has become increasingly fl exible. With low

interest rates and new features, a Lifetime Mortgage off ers one
of the most competitive ways for you to receive money as you
are in or approaching retirement and start to plan for 2022.*

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