Investing in cryptocurrency can be as easy as a
few taps on your phone, and with crypto all over
the news and coming up in conversations with
friends, it’s tempting to dive right in. However,
depending on your financial situation and
appetite for investing risk, crypto might not be
an appropriate investment for you right now —
or ever.
“I am the biggest crypto hippie you’ll talk to in a
very long time,” says Tyrone Ross, CEO of Onramp
Invest, a cryptoasset platform for registered
investment advisors. And yet, he cautions
against it. “I don’t think the general public should
be investing in crypto.”
Picture your finances as an ice cream sundae,
with crypto as the cherry on top. It makes up a
small proportion of the overall sundae, and not
everyone wants one. And before you fish that
cherry out of the jar, you need to assemble the