The History of Christian Theology

(Elliott) #1

Lecture 32: Protestantism after Modernity

with what scripture already means in the ongoing practices of prayer, liturgy,
and service, which the Christian tradition has maintained since antiquity.
This will require Protestants to take the ancient and contemporary Catholic
tradition seriously as a witness to the meaning of the word of Christ. These
are all questions on the agenda for ecumenical theologians in the mainline
churches and for evangelical theology as it becomes increasingly the
mainstream of Protestant theology in the United States. Ŷ

Caputo, Philosophy and Theology.
MacIntyre, Whose Justice? Which Rationality?
Williams, Retrieving the Tradition and Renewing Evangelicalism.

  1. Do you think traditions are opposed to critical, rational thought? Or are
    they the basis of critical, rational thought?

  2. Should Christianity be modern, or can it be postmodern—or something

Suggested Reading

Questions to Consider
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