The History of Christian Theology

(Elliott) #1


c. 30 ................................................. Cruci¿ xion of Jesus.

50–64............................................... Letters of the Apostle Paul, the earliest
writings in the New Testament.

65..................................................... The earliest date suggested for the
composition of the book of Mark,
usually regarded as the ¿ rst of the
Four Gospels to be written (other
scholars argue for a date after the
destruction of the temple).

70..................................................... The Romans destroy the temple
in Jerusalem at the culmination
of the Great Jewish Revolt.

75–95............................................... Most scholars date the composition
of the Gospels of Matthew, Luke,
and John to these decades.

144................................................... Marcion excommunicated in Rome.

c. 145 ............................................... Valentinus teaches in Rome, but
his hopes of becoming bishop
(that is, pope) go unful¿ lled.

c. 150 ............................................... Justin Martyr writes his Apology
and Dialogue with Trypho.

180–200........................................... Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons, writes
his inÀ uential multi volume
treatise, Against Heresies.

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