The History of Christian Theology

(Elliott) #1


or preparation that leaves it ultimately up to us whether to believe or not.
In the Calvinist version of the Augustinian view, prevenient grace is called
“irresistible grace.” In the Thomistic version of the Augustinian view, it is
called “ef¿ cacious in itself.”

procession: Technical term in trinitarian theology for the divine origination
of the Holy Spirit, in contrast to the begetting of the Son, which is a different
mode of divine origination. The Western doctrine of double procession
teaches that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father “and the Son.”
(See ¿ lioque.)

Protestant: Term now used for the Western churches that broke with
Roman Catholicism beginning with the 16th-century Reformation, including
Lutherans, Reformed, and Anabaptists. The term does not refer to any kind
of protest against the church, but to a formal protest lodged by Lutheran
princes against an unfavorable decision made by the imperial Diet of Speyer
in 1529.

providence: From a Latin verb meaning both “foresee” and “provide,” the
doctrine concerning God’s benevolent sovereignty over the events of history.

pure nature: Technical term in modern Roman Catholic theology designating
human nature as considered apart from the effect of the supernatural.

purgatory: In Roman Catholic doctrine, the realm of temporal punishment
and puri¿ cation after death for redeemed souls who are not yet perfect
in holiness.

Puritanism: English religious movement beginning in the reign of Queen
Elizabeth I (1558–1603) and seeking to push the Church of England further in
the direction of Reformed theology and practice throughout the 17th century.
Outgrowths of Puritanism include Presbyterians, Congregationalists, and
Baptists. (See Vestiarian controversy.)
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