The History of Christian Theology

(Elliott) #1


Scopes “Monkey Trial”: Trial of a biology teacher, John Scopes, in rural
Dayton, Tennessee, in 1925 for defying a state law forbidding the teaching
of Darwinism in public schools. With the help of skeptical journalist
H. L. Mencken, Fundamentalists suffered a cultural disaster, which drove
them from the north and east to the south and west.

scriptures, holy: Theological term for the Bible, used not just to indicate
this particular set of writings but to stress their divine authority.

see: From Latin sedes, meaning “seat,” the location of a bishop’s authority
(for example, the see of the bishop of Venice is Venice). The see of Rome,
that is, the papacy, is called the Apostolic See because Rome’s ¿ rst bishop,
and thus the ¿ rst pope, was the apostle Peter. (See cathedra.)

semper reformanda: Latin for “always needing to be reformed,” a Protestant
motto about the need for continual reformation of the church.

Shepherd of Hermas: An early Christian book, written in Greek in Italy in
the late 1st or early 2nd century, read with appreciation by many in the Great
Church, some of whom regarded it as part of the canon.

simplicity: A philosophical concept used in theology to describe God. To say
God is simple is to say he has no parts and is not composed of many things.

simul justus et peccator: Latin for “at the same time righteous and a sinner,”
this term is a key doctrinal formulation of Luther, stemming from his
conviction that even the good works of someone who is justi¿ ed by faith in
Christ are in themselves (that is, apart from Christ) mortal sins.

Socinianism: A Unitarian theology that arose in the radical Reformation of
the 16th century and became widely inÀ uential in the 18th century, affecting
both Deist and Enlightenment thinkers.

sola ¿ de: Latin for “by faith alone,” this term is a catchphrase for distinctively
Protestant doctrines of justi¿ cation after Luther, according to which people
become righteous simply by believing the Gospel of Christ, quite apart from
any good works.
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