Sport And Exercise Psychology: A Critical Introduction

(John Hannent) #1

major relevant topics, those that can be addressed with sufficiency in a one-semester
class. Mostly considered are what is involved in being a highly skilled athlete and what
an athlete can do to improve the possibility of attaining a degree of excellence. Also
explored are psychological perspectives about exercise, health, and coping with injury.
The quotes and examples of superstars in their sports relevant to the points made in
each section of the book are fascinating and help to blend the scientific with the practical;
the laboratory with the athlete’s competitive world. The meaningfulness of research and
the necessity of it becomes apparent to the reader. Myths about sport psychology topics
are recognized or dispelled. Frequently used terms, such as anxiety, arousal, fear, and
stress are clarified with implications for understanding relationships to successful or
unsuccessful performance. Because psychology is associated with so many terms and
expressions about behavior, much confusion exists in the minds of students (as well as
researchers!) as to meanings. Professor Moran patiently explains, differentiates, and
interprets subject matter in settings that are easy to relate to, and therefore conducive to
This is one of those rare academic textbooks that more than fulfills the intentions of
the author, expressed in the Preface. As I said at the beginning, this is not merely another
textbook in sport and exercise psychology. Professor Moran has produced a book with
attention to substance, communication style, organization and structure, and reader
interest. Who says that academic reading cannot be enlightening as well as enjoyable?

Robert N.Singer
Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL USA
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