Subject index
AAASP see Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology
AC Milan, 182
ACE (Assessment of Consultant Effectiveness), 24
achievement goal theory, 44–8;
definition, 281;
measurement, 45;
research findings, 45–8;
see also ego orientation;
task orientation
achievement motivation, 281
addiction to exercise, 240, 241;
see also exercise dependence
advance cues, 167, 179–80
adventure seeking, 65
adversity training, 121
aerobic exercise, 229,281
Agassi, Andre, 74, 75, 153, 167, 169
aggressive behaviour, 43
Aguirre, Javier, 120
alcohol dependence, 20
All-Blacks, 168
Alvarez, Al, 64
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 29
American Express World Championships, 2002, 116
American Psychological Association (APA), 25, 32;
Division 47 (Exercise and Sport Psychology), 6, 16, 26–7;
website, 26, 27
American Tennis Professionals, 261
anaerobic exercise, 229, 281
Anderson, June, 79
anecdotal evidence, 281
anger, 73
ANS (autonomic nervous system), 282
anticipatory abilities, 179–80
Antonelli, Ferruccio, 16
anxiety, 69, 70, 71–2, 238;
arousal, and, 72, 74;
athletes’ interpretations, 75–7;