Sport And Exercise Psychology: A Critical Introduction

(John Hannent) #1

Central Park (New York), 72
certification, 25–6
challenge, 10
Charlton, Jack, 181, 182
chess, 164, 166, 171, 173, 178, 179
Chicago Cubs baseball team, 15
choking under pressure, 72, 90–4, 105;
definition, 282;
excessive self-consciousness, 92;
processing efficiency theory, 92, 93;
symptoms, 91
Christie, Linford, 85
chunking, 282
Clarke, Darren, 3, 101, 102, 106, 106, 127, 198
clinical psychology services, 20
team building, implications of, 218
cognitive anxiety, 72, 73, 74, 83–4, 100, 282
cognitive appraisal:
definition, 282;
injury reaction models, 268–71, 272
cognitive evaluation theory, 282
cognitive functioning:
exercise, and, 236
cognitive general imagery, 155
cognitive interference, 142, 143
cognitive models of attention, 104–5
cognitive practice, 138;
see also mental practice (MP)
cognitive processes, 282
cognitive research:
goal-setting, 55–6
cognitive restructuring, 13, 95, 282
cognitive specific imagery, 155, 156
cognitive sport psychology, 282
cognitive superiority, 178
cognitive theories of mental practice, 146–7
cohesion, 196;
attractions to the group approach, 202, 204;
definition, 282;
dimensions of, 201, 213;
field of forces approach, 204;
group cohesion, 202, 203;
group integration, 202;
meaning of, 201–4;
social cohesion, 198;
task cohesion, 202;
see also team cohesion
commitment, 10
communications skills, 12
Competitive Sport Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2), 80, 81–2
compulsive exercise behaviour, 240, 241–2;

Subject index 327
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