(avery) #1

they know which subjects they faced in that incarnation, which
subjects they overcame and which they still have to overcome, as the
tests in the next incarnations depend a great deal on their conduct in
previous incarnations.

It seems to be a bit like a final judgment, doesn’t it?
More or less, but without any intention of humiliating or punishing the
spirits, but rather it is intended to make them aware of their acts
regarding the spiritual laws and other beings of creation.

And who judges whether their actions have been correct or not?
Each spirit, with the help of superior spirits.

How can spirits be conscious of whether their behaviour was correct or
not if they were not conscious of this during their physical life?

Because they receive help from superior spirits, that bring them spiritual
clarity which they do not yet possess.

Seeing that spirits judge themselves, could it not happen that they are
not totally impartial? I mean, how can you avoid spirits acting with
favouritism towards themselves.

Spirits do not act with partiality because they find themselves in this
state of spiritual clarity, induced by the superior spirits that I have
mentioned. In that state they see reality as it is, in a totally impartial

And what happens next?
The spirits prepare themselves to correct and overcome those
negative attitudes during the next incarnations and, according to their
capabilities, choose those tests that can help them to correct those
attitudes. That will depend on the path that each spirit wishes to
choose. On the one hand is the slow repair over a longer period of
time. On the other hand there are more exacting trials but which serve
to advance faster.

And does this happen immediately? I mean, in the next life will each
spirit then face rectifying what has been done in the previous life?

Not necessarily, because there are many spirits that, through not
having shown any intention of making amends, and having therefore
been held in the lowest levels of the inferior astral, return to life without
having gone through the previous process of re-education. Even
though the spirits may well have started their process of reform, one
must bear in mind that, at the beginning the will to be steadfast in

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