(avery) #1

to eliminate their karma faster. In any case, the spirits must consent to
confront these experiences and prepare themselves in order to be
able to successfully overcome them.

What does “karma” mean?
It is a word of Eastern origin that means “spiritual debt”.

But it seems to me that certain tests are extremely painful for spirits to
be able to learn a lesson, apart from the fact that life is a vale of tears.

That is because you judge without knowledge of the cause. To many
people who only see the first part of the story - when crimes are
committed without a punishment - it seems unfair to them that they
remain unpunished. If those same people only see the second part of
the story - that of settling debts, now in another later life - it seems
unfair to them that someone could suffer such atrocities, because they
don’t understand where this comes from or why it is such a terrible
misfortune. However, if they knew the criminal past of those people,
many of them wouldn’t even have given them a second chance. In
the spiritual world there is always a second chance or rather there are
infinite opportunities for rectification.

If there really are infinite opportunities for rectification in the spiritual
world, where does the belief in eternal suffering or punishments for
sinners come from, which, for instance, the Christian doctrine holds?

Belief in eternal punishments has no divine origin. It is unfounded and
does not correspond with spiritual reality and is just another fallacy that
the priestly hierarchies introduced with the intention of controlling
people through irrational fear. It is deplorable that those who set
themselves up as spiritual guides and should supposedly help others to
find their spiritual path, far from doing so, hinder them even more, by
confusing and manipulating their minds, taking advantage of their
weaknesses in order to exalt themselves, contributing even more to
blocking a path that is already sufficiently burdened with difficult

And why do many people have the impression that the painful events
in their lives are a circumstance imposed upon them without their
having been consulted?

Because it is a choice that is made before incarnating and the fact
that they forget their spiritual past on incarnating makes them believe
that they have had no part in such a decision. There are many spirits
that have decided to take the step of advancement and therefore
confront circumstances that are extremely difficult and

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