(avery) #1

they forced others to go through that very same circumstance. It is a
very tough test, in which their convictions in favour of love are put to
the test, because they have to choose between killing and risking
being killed, tortured or wounded by the enemy side, or prison, torture
and even being sentenced to death by their own side, the supposed
“friendly” side, if they declare themselves to be deserters or rebels. All
this will be taken into account as extenuating circumstances. It will also
be taken into account as aggravating circumstances for those who
oblige people to go to war, to die and to kill, because they are the
most responsible. In your world, a soldier who has killed those from the
opposite side, risking his life, is a hero. Whereas, the person who risks his
life in order not to kill anyone from the other side is a coward. However,
in the spiritual world, things are the other way around. The brave one is
the pacifist, the deserter, the rebel, the conscientious objector. They
are all brave because they are against murdering, because they risk
their lives to preserve the lives of others, of unknown people, possibly of
another belief or ideology, knowing that those from their own side will
possibly persecute them to death. Whereas, the people who risk their
lives to end other people’s lives through fear that they themselves will
be killed first by one of the two sides, is very far from being brave. In
any case, it is up to the people to decide whether they prefer
temporary earthly suffering, caused by egoistic beings that take
reprisals against them for refusing to kill their brothers and sisters, but
receive the reward from the spiritual world; or accept the earthly
reward as war heroes, but then undergo the subsequent suffering in
the spiritual world, for having acted against their brothers and sisters.

So if there is a country or force that intends to invade other countries,
what are the other countries supposed to do to avoid being attacked
or invaded by the attacking nation, just sit with arms crossed while they
are destroyed? Take the case of Nazi Germany for example. Should
Europe or America have let Nazism conquer the world through its
military power?

The knowledge you have access to about the history of humanity is
greatly manipulated. Many of you still believe that in each war there is
a good side, that is always the one which you are in and which God
supports, and a bad side which must be supported by the devil. But it
turns out that on the opposite side they think exactly the same, that
they are the good ones, that God supports them and that the bad
ones are on the other side, supported by the devil. A war such as the
one you mention does not occur from one day to another. The fact is
that wars are plotted long before the armed conflicts start and it is
shameful to see how future opposing sides cooperate beforehand to

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