(avery) #1

other noble value that they undertake to slander with their methods,
they should know that they are sowing a macabre seed, the abundant
and bitter fruit of which they will inexorably have to reap in their next
lives, incarnating as crippled children in a country where they ordered
landmines to be planted, or as starving children in a country where
they ordered people to starve to death. Their all powerful condition in
the physical world is only a passing circumstance which they will not
have in the spiritual world, where positions don’t depend on the
money, power and influence that they have, but rather only on the
capacity to love that they have been able to develop. What a
letdown those who thought they were the masters of the world will
suffer when they pass over to the spiritual world and see reality as it
really is, and when they see that all those who died and suffered
because of them are above them on the spiritual ladder! There will be
no triumphal entry with presidential honours. But there will be a host of
scarcely evolved beings waiting for them, anxious to make amends for
the suffering that was caused them. The more suffering inflicted, the
more suffering received!

And what can be said to the victims of armed conflicts, those who
have suffered mutilations, extreme poverty, hunger, and all kinds of
deprivations and hardships as a result?

Don’t worry about losing material goods; don’t worry about losing even
the life of your body, because that will all pass. Remember, nobody
can kill you because you are immortal and when you return to the
spiritual world, to your authentic life, none of that will matter anymore.
There you will be consoled for all your suffering and all your injuries will
be healed. There love is the only thing that matters. If all the misfortunes
that you have gone through have served to make you more sensitive
to the suffering of your brothers and sisters, to the extent that you have
come to the conclusion that you don’t want anyone to go through the
circumstances that you have gone through, in short, if you have been
able to love, even just a little, then it will have been worth it.

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