(avery) #1

And why is love a spiritual law?
Because it is written in the interior of the spirit: the spirit needs to love in
order to be happy. In the absence of love the spirit withers like a flower
pulled out at the roots.
If by the law of free will, the spirit needs to be free in order to be
happy, by the law of love, the spirit needs to love to be happy. If we
combine these two laws into one, we would say that the spirit needs to
love in freedom in order to be happy.

If love is necessary for the spirit's happiness, why are we not all born

Loving is another of the capacities that you have to develop yourself in
your process of evolution. As I have said, the spiritual spark, when it is
created, has numerous potential capacities, but it needs to develop
them. One of them is the capacity to love. Developing the capacity to
love is the most important objective of the evolutionary process of the
spirit. Love is the harmonising and revitalising force of the spiritual

How does love influence the harmony of the universe?
Through an act of love all spiritual beings exist! Love is the force that
feeds any creative impulse. Love is the base on which universal spiritual
solidarity is sustained. Spirits inspired by love feel the desire to help in
the evolution of all other beings of creation, so that they are capable
of experiencing for themselves the happiness that emanates from love.
Only on the base of love will the true and lasting be built.

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