(avery) #1

considering them to be people in their possession or who cannot
escape their influence. When they do not receive the attention that
they believe they deserve they try to seek the attention of others in any
way and at any cost, using victimisation, aggression, blackmail, deceit
or any other form of manipulation that they can find. Due to the such
strongly negative and asphyxiating vibration that they can generate
when their defect is manifested to the full, they end up exhausting the
people around them, so much so that, if such people are not familiar
with vanity and do not know how to cope with it, very few of them are
able to bear it for very long. This is the reason why the vain have many
acquaintances but very few friends. The vain tire easily of anything that
requires effort and they look for other people to assume their
responsibilities, in spite of constantly praising how much they do
themselves and how little others do. When they do something for
someone they rarely do it in a discreet and disinterested way, but
rather they always do it boastfully, seeking compensation in exchange,
which is generally greater than the gesture that they have made to
others. A vain person does not wish to be a good person, but rather
only appear to be.

My goodness, well I hope that there are not many people like that!
Well three quarters of humanity are still in this initial phase of evolution
and vanity is the predominant defect in the political class in your world.
Although needless to say nobody will identify themselves with what I
have said, because to admit to this would be a sign that they find
themselves at a more advanced stage. This is why your planet is as it is.

Well, living with people as egoistic as that must be torture!
Maybe you think that you are free from egoism, which manifests itself
in this form or in another more subtle form? It is an affirmation that you
make, which causes your own egoism to shine, manifested in the form
of incomprehension towards your brothers and sisters, if it serves to
justify wishing to distance yourself from them because they are not
more advanced. This stage of vanity is just like the next forms of pride
and arrogance, which are stages through which all, absolutely all spirits
must pass on their path to perfection, and those who have overcome
this have done so because at some moment they have been
conscious of their defect and have worked to overcome it, and have
achieved it with the help of the examples of more advanced people
from whom to learn. If on attaining their advancement, the more
advanced spirits were to have nothing to do with their less advanced
brothers and sisters, what kind of love would they be cultivating? The
fact that I have described this so directly may seem very harsh. But I

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