(avery) #1

people are abandoning the family. However, if they go off for two
hours a week to speak about their inner selves, in order to help others,
then their family puts forward thousands of arguments against it, and
they feel guilty, believing that they are abandoning the family. This is
because of attachment, in other words, the difficulty of sharing.
Attachment is not love and if you do not overcome this obstacle you
will remain stagnant.

So the family can be an obstacle to spiritual advance?
No. What is an obstacle is the lack of understanding of those spirits that
do not want to advance nor let others advance either, and they use
all the weapons available to them, including blood ties, such as the
family, to attain this, and to hold back those who want to advance.
For the person who lives in an understanding family, the family is a
supportive base for spiritual development. But due to the sparse
development of humanity on earth, those willing to undertake spiritual
awakening are in the minority. In addition, it is very unlikely that, even
though there may be several compatible spirits in the same family who
are prepared to fight to advance spiritually, their awakening will occur
simultaneously. Therefore, the pioneer has the most difficult task but is
the one who will pave the way for the others. Jesus himself had to
overcome this same problem, the lack of understanding of his family
through attachment. They reproached him constantly that he
neglected his family obligations to attend to his spiritual tasks, because
they did not understand. They even accused him of lacking balance
and tried to make him feel guilty, and even more so when Joseph
died, and he had to take responsibility for the maintenance of a large
family. But it was not true, because Jesus did provide for his mother
and siblings until they could fend for themselves. But his mission was
more extensive, for all the human family. This lack of understanding of
the family with whom Jesus lived is reflected in this quotation of the
gospel. So he (Jesus) said: "A prophet is not without honour, but in his
own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house”.

But is it necessary to renounce the family in order to love

How can you believe that the spiritual world would demand that you
renounce the family, if it is precisely in the spiritual world where the
family was created as a way of stimulating in the spirit the first feelings?
The love of a couple and the love between parents and children are
the first feelings that the spirit knows, and these are developed from
the mating and protective instincts of parents for their offspring. The
only thing that I will say to you is that in order to advance in love you

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