(avery) #1

moves towards old age, it seems that the natural ageing process
frustrates all the conquests made with so much effort. And so life
passes by and the moment comes for leaving behind forever what
was once a beautiful physical body, inexorably condemned to the
natural decomposition process. When spirits return to the spiritual world
they realise the time and effort squandered uselessly in beautifying
something detached from themselves, their body that now rots in a
tomb, and just how little was dedicated to improving that which
endures, what they really are, spirit. But there is nothing irremediable,
since the life of the spirit will continue. They will be able to incarnate
again and try to do what they did not want to do in the life that they
squandered believing themselves to be the body that they clothed.

Seen in that way, physical beauty is almost an obstacle to the progress
of the spirit.

Do not believe from what I have said that beauty is a negative
attribute in itself. On the contrary, because as spirits advance, the
bodies in which these spirits incarnate are more and more perfect,
more beautiful, in accordance with the inner beauty of the spirits that
incarnate in them, and this occurs in the physical worlds which are
more spiritually advanced than yours. But it can be a double edged
sword in primitive worlds, in the hands of less advanced spirits. For less
advanced spirits immersed in the vanity stage, physical attractiveness
is a weapon that gives rein to all their vanity, and they use it to this end.
They know that although they behave like capricious, crude, bad-
mannered, haughty people, their physical beauty will provide them
with what they want: admirers, people who are at their disposal to
indulge them. Why strive to be good people if they can obtain what
they want with the dazzling beauty of their bodies? ... Until old age
catches up with them and then they are left alone, because they lose
the only attractiveness that they had and they sink into their own moral
misery, since they have never fought to improve their inner selves,
being so occupied as they were in maintaining their beautiful and
attractive exterior.

How is narcissism overcome?
When you become conscious that you are not your body and that
therefore you do not have to be so concerned about it. That to be
happy you must be dedicated to cultivating yourself, your inner self.
Many spirits that have fallen into the trap of physical beauty know this.
For this reason they choose less attractive bodies for the next
incarnations, because they do not want to waste more lives
dedicated to the self-contemplation of their body, but rather want to

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