(avery) #1

say, change places with others, and then judge. Is this fair, honest
behaviour, or have they behaved egoistically? If we think in the same
way about certain behaviour when we do it as when we receive it, we
will be close to objectivity. But if we excuse the same action when it is
done by us and condemn it when it is done by others, we are being
unjust, and we will be allowing ourselves to be led by our defect.
Therefore, to recognise ourselves in our defect we must act with the
same objectivity as we would do if the analysis was carried out by
another person.

And what comes next?
The second step is to modify our attitude.
Just being conscious of our egoistic thought, does not imply that it will
stop appearing. It is important to recognise it, to admit that it is there,
but avoid behaving as it wants, not allowing ourselves to be dragged
along by it. In other words, we need to say to ourselves: “I know that
there is egoism inside me, but I am going to try to not let it condition
me when I act, but rather to try to act from love”. With this change of
attitude we will little by little be able to modify our behaviour, our
actions, towards ourselves and others, because an egoistic attitude
harms both ourselves and others.

In what sense does it harm us?
Because it prevents us from feeling love, which is the most wonderful
thing that we can feel, and that is what can really make us happy.

The change of attitude still seems more complicated to me than
recognising the defect. Can you give me some advice which would
help modify egoistic attitudes?

At the time of acting, the following reflection can help us: what would I
expect from myself if I were the receiver of this action? How would I like
another person in my place to act towards me? This will help us to
detect our negative attitudes towards others, imagining that others are
ourselves, because rare is the person who wishes ill upon him or herself.
The maxim “love your neighbour as yourself” is based on this reasoning.

Of course this is not easy. It requires discipline and the will for constant
improvement. But if we persevere, in just a short time we will begin to
feel different, with more inner harmony, happier, and this will serve as a
stimulus for us to continue advancing.

And what must we do to manage ego-feelings?
The same as before. First recognise that we have them, that we all

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