(avery) #1

Could you present a particular case?
Let us take the example of two soul mates who meet in their present
life, having decided to be united as a couple before incarnating. Their
spiritual interior makes them recognise each other and a mutual
feeling that exists between them is aroused. However, let us imagine
that they are very influenced by their own egoism, and they have
allowed themselves to be led by it at the time of making decisions in
that life. Egoism, through the mind, will take advantage of any
materially adverse circumstance to influence them negatively, so that
they ignore their feelings for each other, in thousands of ways: β€œhe or
she is not a good match, has no money, has no qualifications, is not
from my social background, is not physically attractive, my family will
be opposed and I do not want to complicate my life, lives very far
away, is not of such-and-such a type, etc.”. And then, being
presented with the opportunity to live together as a spiritually
compatible couple, experiencing true feeling and something of
genuine happiness, they let it pass by, choosing contrary to their
feelings and hence failing to fulfil the pre-incarnation agreement that
they had made. If they allow themselves to be dragged along by
egoism, they will choose their partner not based on their feelings, but
based on their mental or material expectations, preferring another
person who is more physically attractive, or who is more obliging, or
with a better economic position, with whom they will lead an
apparently more exciting life for the senses or a more comfortable life,
but empty of feelings.

And what happens with the rest of the people who do try to fulfil their
commitments? For example, what would happen in this case to the
person who has been rejected by his or her soul mate?

There is always a plan B or an alternative, since the spirit guides know
the capacity of everyone and know how far each one can go. He or
she could remake his or her life with another person who, although not
so spiritually compatible, is prepared to fight more for feelings and less
for egoism.

And what happens, for example, if a spirit decided to be the son of a
couple which finally did not materialise, both of whom were going to
be parents finding a different spouse, if the future parents are already
incarnate and have now chosen differently from what was agreed?
Would he remain without incarnating?

Bear in mind that the mere fact of being incarnate does not mean
that you are disconnected from the spiritual world, since you all return
there almost every night during dreams. In that state you can make

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