(avery) #1

2) The belief that the Bible or any sacred text is the word of God.
3) The belief that the Church and priests are God's intermediaries on
4) The belief that the solution to bad actions needs, and is solved by,
confession and acquittal by the priest.
5) The belief that repentance at the last hour redeems sins.
6) The belief that Jesus redeemed the sins of men with his death on the
7) Belief in original sin.
8) The belief that sexuality is something sinful.
9) The belief that the destiny of the spirit for all eternity is decided in a
single life (heaven and eternal glory for those who are saved, and hell
and eternal punishment for sinners).
10) The belief that only Christians or believers are saved.
11) Belief in the resurrection of the flesh.

Can you explain one by one the reasons for which all those beliefs are
not in the original message from Jesus?

Yes, we can try. I will try to explain to you, one by one, why these
beliefs contradict the spiritual laws to a certain extent.

Let’s begin with the first. You said that rituals or sacraments had no
validity from the spiritual point of view.

That’s right.

In the spiritual path there are no short cuts. The only thing that makes
us evolve spiritually, or "save ourselves", is personal improvement,
detachment from egoism and growth in the capacity to love - nothing

Well there are many people who think that this is one of the most
important things.

Then they deceive themselves or they have been deceived.

And where does the belief that rituals are necessary for salvation come

From the attempt of the leaders of the different churches to control
the spirituality of people to use it for their own benefit. In some ways, it
is a ploy that urges you: “If you do what we tell you to do, you do not
need to be a good person in order to have a privileged place in

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