(avery) #1

spiritual law of free will cannot be true, nor considered to be spoken by
God or by superior spirituality.
Neither, therefore, can the authorities of these religions be considered
to be true spiritual guides, since a spiritual guide never uses force or
manipulation nor tries to impose specific precepts.

So do you mean that religions on Earth are not true since they do not
represent the will of God?

In all religions there is a part that is true, which is usually the inspiration
of some more evolutionarily advanced beings, and a lot of
falsification, which is usually the product of additions contributed by
other authors based on earthly interests.

Could you give me an example?
Yes. For example, in the Old Testament, the Ten Commandments are
fairly accurate rules, and obey messages from spiritually advanced
beings. One of the commandments is “thou shalt not kill”. Nevertheless,
in the same text from the Old Testament there are passages in which
God supposedly sends the people of Israel to attack other peoples in
order to conquer a supposed “promised land”, and of course, in those
attacks other human beings are fought against and killed.
Consequently, if this were so, we can deduce that God is telling His
people to kill. It so happens that the second message (“thou shalt kill”)
contradicts the first “thou shall not kill”. And how is this apparent
paradox resolved? Either God contradicts Himself, which would be
unacceptable for such an evolved being, or we will have to admit that
each instruction comes from different authors who have different
motivations. Between those two messages, you will not kill and you will
kill, which is the one which common sense tells us is more spiritually

For me, the one that says that you will not kill.
If we admit that this message comes from superior spirituality, then the
opposite cannot come from the same source.

And where would it come from then?
From those who were interested in the invasion.

Good, but this is an example from the past.
Which continues to repeat itself in the present. Are there not many
current leaders on Earth who are supposedly fervent believers in God,
who always end their speeches with “God bless you”, but who do not
have any scruples about sending their fellow citizens to invade other

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