(avery) #1

but rather it implies a deep change in each spirit, which needs time for
reflection, consciousness and effort to modify negative attitudes. In
addition, in order to undo our spiritual debts or acts against the law of
love, we must repair the damage that we did and this requires strong
will and plenty of time to carry it out. From this it can be deduced that
an absolution before the priest at the final moment of life in no way
changes the destiny of the spirit after the death of the physical body.

Forgive me for insisting, but with regards to the belief that only
Christians or believers are saved, was it not Jesus himself who led us to
believe that those who are his followers will be saved by saying:
“whoever believes in me will have eternal life”?

Jesus could say nothing with that meaning. What he did was to
provide the key so that each and every one of you activate your
spiritual change and become conscious that life is eternal and that
you are the creator of your own destiny. Translated into present day
language it would read something like this: “Those who believe in
what I say, in the message that I bring from the spiritual world, will be
conscious that their lives are eternal and that “salvation” (or evolution)
depends on them themselves, in other words, they are the masters of
their own destiny”.

So, where does the belief that only those who believe in Christ will
enjoy eternal life come from?

From a bad interpretation of what Jesus said and from the
manipulations of the church, which in addition added “outside the
Church there is no salvation.” The belief that only Christians, in this
particular case, or believers in a particular church, in general, are
saved, is one more of the ideas that come from church leaders, and is
one more claim that is used to assure the faithfulness of believers Do
you want more data? This axiom, the one of “outside the Church there
is no salvation", in Latin “extra Ecclesiam nulla salus”, was declared by
saint Cyprian (Epist. 73, 21: PL 1,123 AB), in the fourth council of Leteran,
held in the years 1215-1216, in other words, more than one thousand
years after the passing of Jesus on Earth.

Well it is clear to me that many catholic believers are convinced that
this is so. In other words, only those who believe in Christ will enjoy
eternal life, and in order to be a good Christian and be saved you
have to follow the rules of the Church.

Look, the Catholic Church, other Christian denominations and other
religions have made you think that being good is the same as being
submissive. Being submissive, particularly regarding the rules of the

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