(avery) #1

It is our express desire that the message manifested through this work
may reach everybody in a totally free and disinterested way, in
accordance with the philosophy of unconditional love which we have
described, in other words, giving without expecting to receive
anything in return.

For this reason, we support and allow the free distribution, of the entire
or partial reproduction of this work, by all means currently available, on
condition that it is not done for profit nor its contents modified.

If you have any questions about the subject of the book, that is to say,
about spirituality and love, whether these are personal or general, feel
free to express them and send them to us via email and we will be
pleased to try to reply to them as soon as possible. We also request
the collaboration of those people interested in translating this work into
other languages, altruistically, so that its message can reach the
greatest number of people possible.

If you would like us to travel to your city or town, because you consider
that there is a sufficient number of people interested in listening to a
talk on the subject of this book, please let us know. It does not matter
whether your city or town is in another country or continent, we will try
to respond to your request as far as we can. The talk itself will not incur
costs for those requesting it , as we do this totally free of charge and
altruistically, and the transport and accommodation expenses of the
trip will be charged to our account. The condition is that admission is
always open and free of charge to all those interested.

Send your request to:
Vicent Guillem Primo
Email address: [email protected]
On our Web Page (, you can
download the book free of charge in electronic format, request a
paper copy and consult the schedule of talks about the book.

With all our love to you. See you soon.

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