(avery) #1

childhood and some are able to remember certain details through
regressive hypnosis. In the East, there are many more cases of
spontaneous memories of past lives in children than in the West. This is
because in these areas people believe in reincarnation, and the
parents don’t repress their children when they tell them what they
However, conscious memory of past lives will only be possible when for
the most part, spirits that have advanced sufficiently in learning about
love, incarnate in the world, and won’t use the past as an excuse for
not loving. You will remember when you fully understand that we are
all brothers and sisters and that we have all made mistakes in the past,
and that we have all needed innumerable opportunities to reform.
That’s how it works in more advanced worlds, where remembering one
or more previous lives is normal.

Well, now that you have brought up the topic, I don’t think that the
areas where Eastern religions predominate, that believe in
reincarnation, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, are any better than us.
Take for example Hinduism, in which the belief in reincarnation is used
to justify the inequalities between humans. I am referring to the caste

So that you can see an example to show that it is internal evolution
and not external knowledge that makes the spirit evolve, as even
though they believe that reincarnation exists, they have manipulated
its meaning in order to justify their egoism. This is also an example of
how, for the less advanced spirits, too much information hinders their
evolutionary development, through not knowing how to use this
knowledge correctly. Hindus that justify the caste system, even without
direct knowledge of the spirit’s past, are already assuming that those
people that incarnate in the caste of the untouchables must have
been spirits that behaved badly in another life, and they use this as an
excuse to make their life as difficult as possible, instead of helping
them. How pitiful it is to conclude, that out of sheer egoism, having
reincarnated into the most favourable caste materialistically, and
being in a position to help the unfortunate, they trample on them, so
that they have no possibility whatsoever, not even through their own
efforts, of getting out of their misery. In this way, those who considered
themselves to be superior -through having been born under more
fortunate circumstances materialistically - expose themselves to
incarnating in a situation of extreme poverty like the untouchables i n
their next incarnation, so that they feel, in the flesh, what extreme
poverty, racism and lack of comprehension are. With this experience,
when they are in a situation to change the state of things - for example

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