(avery) #1

If all human beings had their channel with the spiritual world open, it
wouldn’t be so necessary for spirits to incarnate with the objective of
being a channel from the spiritual world for others. However, as so
many beings have great difficulties activating their own connection,
whether this be through lack of willpower, through lack of knowledge,
or through fear, they don’t directly receive the help that they need.
Therefore, the spiritual world uses certain spirits that come with the
specific mission to act as spokesmen to transmit the messages that
incarnate spirits need for their evolution. Be clear about one thing,
there will always be contact between the spiritual world and the world
of incarnate beings, because incarnate spirits need to receive spiritual
help in order to progress, no matter how or in what way this contact is

But, if I have understood correctly, just as in the spiritual world there are
well-intentioned spirits that intend to help you, there are also spirits that
try to do everything possible to stop you from advancing and they can
also get in contact with you. How does one know which the interlocutor
from the other side is and what intentions a spirit has?

The quality of the message is the best way to find out the capability of
the author. If it is a good and useful message that you feel in your heart
and that helps you to advance in love, then you can be sure that it is a
message from good spirits. If the message tries to stimulate your egoism
in some of its manifestations, you can be sure that these are impostors
with bad intentions, even though they identify themselves under a
famous name, such as Jesus, or the Virgin or Saint Theresa. As Jesus
said: “You will know them by their fruits. A good tree cannot bring forth
evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.”

And on what does it depend whether we have contact with certain
spirits or others?

Contact through a medium is very similar to the contact you can have
with someone through the Internet, because in both cases you cannot
physically see your interlocutor. In both cases we can contact people
from faraway places and as we don’t know them, there may be
people with good intentions or with bad intentions who try to deceive
us. Depending on the interest that we have, we will make contact with
a certain type of person or another. If we are attracted to a certain
topic, we will look for a chat or a forum about that topic and will be in
touch with people who also have the same interest. For example, if we
are looking to participate in an NGO in order to help others, we will
look for web pages and forums on that topic. In these forums it is more
difficult to encounter people with bad intentions, as this is not the type

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