(avery) #1

Can a spirit that has incarnated in a man, incarnate in a woman in the
next life and vice versa? In other words, do spirits of the same sex
always incarnate in people of the same sex or can they change sex
from one life to another?

Spirits in their pure state have no gender, so the sexual condition
appears through the need to incarnate in the physical world. From
there, the same spirit can be a man in one life and a woman in the
next life. It depends on the learning needs of each spirit. Even so, there
is usually a tendency to choose more regularly one of the sexes to
incarnate, and to choose the soul mate of the opposite sex, if they
have decided to incarnate together as a couple.

Yes, but as I understand it, when disincarnate spirits appear to
incarnate spirits, they can be differentiated as men or women. How is
this possible if, as you say, spirits have no gender?

The astral bodies of spirits that are still in the phase of human evolution,
even though they are disincarnate, keep the features that distinguish
their gender. They take on the appearance that agrees most with their
evolutionary state and preferences. Spirits that have just recently
disincarnated usually keep certain features of their physiognomy from
the last life, at least for a while. If those spirits are elevated or have
completely freed themselves from the events of the last incarnation,
these features will become more beautiful and without any signs of old
age. Very advanced spirits can take on the physiognomy that they
find more appropriate for the mission they need to carry out, if they
need to appear to an incarnate spirit.

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