(avery) #1

the end, the civilisations that are more advanced spiritually are also
more advanced technologically.

And what happens to those spirits that lived in civilisations that didn’t
obey the law of love and destroyed themselves?

As I have said, spirits are immortal and of course continue living on the
spiritual plane. They will continue their evolution incarnating on the
remains of destroyed civilisations. In the case of the planet having
been totally destroyed, they will be transferred to the astral of other
planets similar to theirs, so that they can incarnate there. Just like in
your world, if a city is destroyed by a flood, the survivors will be moved
to less dangerous areas. The least advanced spirits will generally be
transferred to more primitive planets, where the conditions for survival
are much more demanding, so that they learn to value what they had
before, and didn ́t know how to preserve.

So spirits originating from other planets can incarnate on Earth and vice
versa, spirits originating from Earth can incarnate on other planets?

Yes, and not only in the extreme case of destroyed planets. Spirits are
periodically transferred from some planets to others, with certain
restrictions, since spirits cannot incarnate on planets which are above
their own evolutionary level. They will have to do this on planets of a
similar level to their planet of origin or with lower levels, but there are
also difficulties of vibratory harmonisation if the spirits are very
advanced and the planet is very primitive. Hence, when evolved spirits
incarnate on a planet of a lower level, they must readjust the vibratory
pattern of their astral body in order to mould themselves to an actual
physical body of that planet. When the vibratory level of the spirit is
much greater than the level of the planet, this adjustment is practically
impossible. To get an idea, it would be like trying to put on an article of
clothing two sizes smaller than your actual size. So the evolutionary
level of the advanced spirits that incarnate on your planet can be one
step higher than yours, and under special circumstances up to two
steps, but no more.

With what intention do spirits that come from a planet that has not been
destroyed incarnate on another different planet?

Generally in order to promote spiritual evolution. Advanced spirits can
incarnate on less advanced planets in order to promote the spiritual
progress of spirits originating from that planet. What can also happen is
that certain spirits evolve faster than the average for their planet of
origin and this planet becomes too small for them to continue evolving
at their rhythm. Hence they incarnate in more evolved worlds, in

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