(avery) #1

Well, in spite of this intervention, I don’t see that things have greatly
improved in the world.

Yes, to a certain extent. In past eras, humans were raised as if they
were livestock to be eaten, and this would be an abomination to you
now. Cannibalism is practically wiped out from the Earth. Less than 200
years ago, slavery still existed legally and the slave trade existed all
over the world. Although slavery now exists in other forms, at least
formal slavery is pursued and punished by laws in all countries, and is
practised illegally outside the law. Religious persecution, although it still
exists in some parts of the world, has diminished in intensity and cruelty.
In many countries there is legislation which protects the right of free
belief, something unthinkable in Europe before the protestant
reformation. The death penalty as a form of punishment has been
abolished in many countries. The drawing up and approval - by an
international organisation such as the United Nations of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, even though in practice it is not being
adhered to, is a clear example that there are spirits on your planet that
have advanced enough to recognise that there are fundamental
rights that should not be violated. In this declaration, the rights that
guarantee the execution of free will are perfectly specified, and
demand that nations carry out actions that impede the violation of
free will of other human beings. So this declaration can be considered
to be a very appropriate development of the law of free will. In the Ten
Commandments we can also find some hints of respect for free will,
such as the commandments you shall not kill and you shall not steal.
Although there is still a lot to be done, all these things are advances
compared to the situation of past eras.

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