(avery) #1

genocide who are never brought to justice and die peacefully in old

The fact that the effect associated with a particular cause or action is
not immediately seen, may give the impression to the incarnate that
justice does not exist, through not seeing criminals pay for their crimes
during the same incarnation. It is true that in one lifetime many crimes,
especially those committed in positions of worldly power, remain
unpunished. In these cases, those who acted against the law of love,
harming other spirits, will have to face the consequences of their acts
in subsequent lives. Let us imagine rulers who were the cause of many
wars and gave orders to torture and condemn to death thousands of
people. Due to their power, they were never judged or condemned by
any court on Earth. You can be sure that those accounts that were not
settled in that life will remain pending for the next lives and that
yesterday’s tyrant could be the apparently innocent victim tomorrow.
This is the meaning of the phrase: “Blessed are those who hunger and
thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled” because whatever is not
resolved by worldly justice will undoubtedly be resolved by spiritual
justice. Even so, remember that the intention of this system is not to
punish but to teach. In any case, spirits that caused harm remain in
debt to themselves and, in order to be able to advance, will first have
to realise the damage that they caused and then secondly make

On the other extreme, are there not people who did a lot of good
during their lives and as a reward were slandered, tortured and

You also need to see the other side of coin of the law of spiritual justice,
as those who acted according to the law of love and received
ingratitude, incomprehension, rejection, violence, torture or death in
exchange for the good that they did on behalf of their contemporaries
can be sure that the fruits of their acts will be rewarded in the spiritual
world, which is the real world and is not subject to the arbitrary laws of
men. This is what Jesus’s words mean: “ Blessed are the poor in spirit (he
refers to the humble), for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are
those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

And why does there have to be a delay between the action and the
reaction, in other words, between the act and its consequences on
whoever committed it? Wouldn ́t it be fairer if the action and the
reaction were consecutive?

The reaction is activated the moment the action takes place, even
though it is not made effective immediately. If the action is in favour of

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