Basic Statistics

(Barry) #1




freshmen, sophmores, juniors, and seniors since it is thought that the attitudes
might change as the students get more experience with the system. The inves-
tigator would like to make estimates for each class as well as the total body of
undergraduates. Choose a method of sampling and give the reasons for your
You have examined last year’s pathology records at a hospital and have found
records of 100 women who have newly diagnosed breast cancer. You are in-
terested in studying whether or not risk factor X, which is believed to have its
effect on risk in women whose cancer is diagnosed when they are <50 years
old, has had a significant effect in the population from which these women
came. Describe how you would choose a suitable sample of controls.
Randomize 24 patients who will receive either treatment A or B into three
blocks of eight patients each so that in each block, four patients get treatment
A and four patients get treatment B.


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ford, CT Thomson Learning.
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