French Grammar in Context

(lu) #1
c The neutral pronouns ceci, celaand çamay notbe used to refer to a specific noun or, indeed,
to people. They can only refer to things which do not have a gender, e.g. facts, statements,
states of affairs and events, e.g. pour cela(line 9), which stands for pour qu’elles puissent
produire advantage.

The forms of the demonstrative pronoun are:
singular plural
masc. celui ceux
fem. celle celles
neutral ceci, cela, ça, ce ____

Other points to note in the text

  • Relative pronouns: qui(line 11, etc.); ce qui(line 15); lesquelles(line 23); où(line 34); ce qu’
    (line 38) (see Chapter 11)

  • Positive imperatives + pronouns: Préparez-vous(lines 1); Demandez-le (lines 61); renvoyez-le
    (line 64) (see Chapter 19)

  • Emphasis: Ce qui.. ., c’est que(lines 15–16); ces techniques, vous pouvez les apprendre(lines
    27–8); une vie plus agréable, ... tout cela (lines 53–5) (see Chapter 31)

  • Use of de(instead of indefinite article) after a negative: pas de formation (line 21); pas de
    diplômes (line 24) (see Chapter 13)

  • Comparatives and superlatives: ceux qui gagnent le plus (heading); le problème le plus
    important(lines 5–6); une vie plus agréable, un intérieur plus confortable(lines 53–4) (see
    Chapter 18)

  • Future tense: serez(line 33); apprendrez(lines 38, 43); découvrirez(line 40); dépendront
    (line 52) (see Chapter 6)

Discover more about demonstratives

a The form cetis used before masculine singular words which begin with a vowel or a mute ‘h’,
e.g. cet appartement, cet ancien bâtiment, cet homme. Note that there is only onefeminine
singular form: cette, e.g. cette fleur, cette île, cette huile. Do not be tempted to use the masculine
form cetbefore feminine words which begin with a vowel or mute ‘h’.
b The form -cican be added to the noun which is accompanied by a demonstrative adjective if
you wish to stress the idea of closeness in either space or time, e.g. cette année-ci(= this year);
ce livre-ci(= this book). Similarly the form -làcan be added to the noun if you wish to stress
the idea of distance, e.g. cette année-là(= that year); ce livre-là(= that book). It is necessary to
use these forms if a comparison is being made, e.g. Préférez-vous ce modèle-ci ou ce modèle-là?
(= Do you prefer this style or that style?)

90 French Grammar in Context

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